
Blog Post 3.7 - "The Drop Outs"

1.  What was Mayor Pete's background before running for president? Pete was the mayor of South Bend, Indiana. 2. What was the high point of Mayor Pete's campaign for president? Winning the Iowa primary and finishing second in New Hampshire. 3. What progressive positions did he adopt in the early stages of this campaign? Pete supported Medicare-for-all, the abolition of the electoral college, and statehood for Puerto Rico and D.C. 4. When Buttigieg became more moderate, what two groups of voters did he struggle with? He lost his support among the ideological left and black voters. 5. Why did his campaign struggle after Iowa and New Hampshire? After Iowa and New Hampshire, the states became more diverse, and Buttigieg does not perform well with minority voters. 6. What was Amy Klobuchar's background before running for president? She was the senator of Minnesota and Hennepin County attorney. 7. What was the high point of her campaign for president? She finished th

Blog Post 3.6 - Polling in Nevada

1. Who made up the "universe" or polling population of this particular poll? Nevada Democrats who will vote in the Democratic primary 2. If 25% of people say they are supporting Bernie Sanders and the sampling error is 4.8%, what is the actual range of Sanders's support? 20.2%-29.8% 3. Using the margin of error, describe a possible scenario in which Sanders would not win, but still fits the polls data. Biden is estimated to have 18% support. Assuming that he gets the most support possible with the 4.8% error and Bernie receives the least possible support, Biden beats Bernie, 22.8% to 20.2%. 4. What were the results found in earlier polls taken in Nevada this year? According to a USA Today poll, Biden is beating Bernie 19% to 18%. Warren has 10%. A Fox News poll shows Biden with 23%, Bernie with 17%, and Warren and Steyer both with 5%. 5. What changes took place in Nevada's candidate selection after 2004? After 2004, Nevada adopted a caucus system, replacin

Blog Post 3.5 - Civil Servants

1.  What was Lt Colonel Alexander Vindman's job in the bureaucracy? Vindman was a Ukraine expert on the National Security Council. 2. What did Vindman testify during the impeachment investigation? Vindman said that he found it inappropriate that Trump asked Zelensky to investigate his political opponent, Joe Biden. 3. What did the White House do to Vindman and his brother? The White House fired Vindman from his post, and his brother resigned. 4. How is the White House justifying this action? The White House says this action was done to reduce the size of the National Security Council and had nothing to do with Vindman personally or his testimony. 5. Why does the author argue that this creates a danger for other civil servants? Now, other civil servants will be more scared to speak out against Trump if he does something inappropriate. 6. What was Gordon Sondland's job  He was the ambassador to the European Union. 7. What did Ambassador Sondland testify dur


1.What's the difference between Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the primary calendar? Phase one includes four early states that have a little number of delegates, but have significant impacts on the primary process. Then, phase two, which takes place between March 1st to 17nd, is the most consequential with more than half of delegates being locked down for a candidate. 2. Which four states get to vote first, separated roughly into one each week? Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina 3. There are few delegates available in these four states, why are the primaries so important? These early primaries are important because they determine which candidate is heavily supported, effectively deciding the top two contenders for the nomination. 4. How many delegates are available in Phase 2? 3979 5. Which regions are holding most of their primaries on Super Tuesday? The South and the West 6. How many primaries are held the following week on March 10? And how many on March 17?  March

Blog Post 3.3 - Impeachment & The Public

1. The seven most recent polls they looked at measured opinion about last weekend (Those covering Jan 19 in the polling dates).  How many showed more support for removing Trump than opposition for removing Trump?  All seven polls show that Americans favor removing Trump from office. 2. Which of these 7 polls found the most support for removing Trump? Which found the most opposition to removing Trump? The FiveThirtyEight poll has the most support for removing Trump from office (+12). The Gallup poll has the least support to removing Trump (-5). 3. In FiveThirtyEight's polling average, what percentage of Democrats support removing Trump from office? What percentage of Republicans support removing Trump from office? 83.9% of Democrats support removal and 8.40% of Republicans support removal. 4. What difference did the most recent Monmouth University poll find in the people who say they support removing Trump from office and those who support the House impeachin

Blog Post 3.2 - SCOTUS 2020

1. What issue is at the center of both the  Trinity Lutheran  and  Espinoza  cases? The issue of whether or not states can fund secular education at private religious schools. 2. How does Justice Kagan argue that banning ALL funding to religious institutions would be ridiculous? The Missouri provision that bans spending money to aid religious schools could be interpreted to also not provide fire and police protection to these schools, which is bad. 3. What choice do the plaintiffs argue that these bans force on students? Students are forced to either attend a school that prescribes to students' religious beliefs or a public school that will adequately fund their education. 4. According to the Census, what's the average amount that states spend on each public school student? States spend on average $11,392 each year on each student. 5. How did Chief Justice John Roberts explain the Court's decision in  Trinity Lutheran ? Denying funding for religious schoo

Blog Post 3.1 - Tensions with Iran

1. Why was General Soleimani an important target for the airstrike? Soleimani led Iran's intelligence and covert military operations and was an important, dangerous military leader. 2. How did the Department of Defense (the Pentagon) justify this attack? The Pentagon says that Soleimani was planning to attack Americans in Iraq and that Soleimani was responsible for the death of hundreds of American military servicemen. Also, the Pentagon says that the attack will deter future Iranian aggression in the region and to America. 3.  How have Iran's leaders responded to the US attack? Iran's president, Rouhani, and the Ayatollah promised to take revenge on America. 4. How has President Trump responded to Iran's promises of "revenge"? If Iran retaliates, Trump plans to attack 52 Iranian sites that are " very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture." 5. Why have some said that Trump's response would